Facsimile uitgave van de Tarocchi Marsigliesi Fratelli Recchi (78 kaarten, Torino ca. 1830) in de reeks Anima Antiqua van Lo Scarabeo. Beperkte oplage van 3999 ex. Engelstalige handleiding verpakt in een hardkartonnen luxe verpakking.
Formaat: 6,5 x 11,5 cm
A historic deck from the Italian north-west, where tarot and esoterism are deeply rooted. A philological reproduction of the Tarot of Marseille produced by the Recchi brothers in Oneglia and Torino, in 1830. An incredible piece of Tarot history, in a limited edition of 3999 copies for true collectors only.
Oneglia, Torino 1830,
78 cards, 65x115 mm. Instructions. Multilingual edition.