De vampiers leiden ons door het schemergebied waar mensen en monsters elkaar ontmoeten en weten te vinden..... Ontworpen door Alejandro Colucci en Charles Harrington. Handleiding o.a. Engelstalig.
Formaat:7 x 12 cm
Uitvoering: kaartspel in kartonnen luxe verpakking
Pagina's: 78 kaarten (full-colour)
Vampires. One year after the zombie inspired Tarot Z, Alejandro Colucci brings his art to display the nature of vampires. It’s not a romantic world, nor it is a fictional experience. The vampires bring us to a world of primal essence, where the boundary between human and monster is grayed out. Within every human there are monsters, but inside every monster there is humanity. Artwork by Alejandro Colucci, Charles Harrington, 78 cards, 70x120 mm. Instructions. Multilingual edition.